Ike the Tyke showing off his tummy time skills.
It rained pretty hard in the early afternoon, and we thought our plan for the Tierpark was going to have to be scrapped, but then the sky cleared, so we set out about 2:3o.
This is the dog parking area. There are lots of these around the Tierpark. This one was right next to the bathrooms, so you could tie up your dog and let him refresh himself while you do the same.
Crossing the hay field on the way home.
Sam and Katie were pretending to be Word Girl and Captain Huggyface (her monkey sidekick.) Word Girl can fly, but Captain Huggyface can't, so Word Girl carries him. That's why Katie has her hand on Sam's back. I was, alternately, Dr. Two-Brains, The Butcher, Grannie May, and Toby the Robot Builder. (For those of you who don't watch PBS Kids, Word Girl is a super hero with a really good vocabulary.)
The walk back was slowed down by the fact that Katie and Sam had to stop to examine every slug we passed. And Katie needed to touch them all. Me: "Stop that Katie." Katie: "But they are so sticky." Me: "All the more reason to stop!" Clearly I have lost my childhood curiosity. Thank goodness for kids - they keep us young.
Once we exited the woods and crossed Wertherstrasse, we hit the final leg of the journey - the twirling bar. Sam enjoys having upside-down conversations with all the folks who pass through the crosswalk here. I think he understands German better when he is upside-down.

Sam and Isaac are complete opposites at picture-taking time. It's tough to get an expression out of Isaac, and it's nearly impossible to get a straight face from Sam.
Sam took this picture of the crew. We got rained on a little bit on the hike to the Tierpark, but nobody melted, and then the sky cleared up for the rest of the evening.
Katie picked these flowers for her friends Caitlin and Emma back at Little Shepherd.
Grace communing with the rabbits at the Tierpark.
This is a great teeter-totter. Since it is arced, if one person is way heavier than the other (say me riding with Sam), the heavy person can just lean farther toward the center to balance out the weights. It's super fun.
Sam must have spent an hour spinning Katie on this contraption. Everytime she would come around, he would take a nosedive into the sand. It was definitely a bath night.
Aha! An explanation for those mysterious crop circles!
Sam was in his element big-time here. This jeep is on giant springs. It is always crawling with boys.
This fellow loved to play with Grace. It's fun to watch her communicate - even though she doesn't speak any words, she's pretty effective at getting her point across.
Throwing leaves to the ducks and geese. 
Sam and Katie saw this huge stump and yelled, "Hey, look Mom! A volcano!" One of the resident wolves was prowling back and forth behind the stump (and a fence.)
In the depths of the volcano.
I was assured that the lava wasn't too hot.

We got home at 8pm (Dave was out with his colleagues at a conference dinner - he gave a talk today.) There happened to be a Wallace and Gromit marathon on tv which I let Sam and Katie start watching while I was making dinner, so I had to drag the kids to the bath and bed at 10pm! The bedtime ritual is not helped by the fact that it stays light until almost 10:30. It was an awesome day.
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