Another hot day. One of Dave's colleagues said the northern German summer usually lasts about one week - this might be it.

This morning, Sam and Katie put Grace in jail. That is their way of protecting Isaac from Grace's curious hands.

Grace's quarry. He is so cute, I can't blame her for being drawn to him.

Sam and Katie are in the upper left of this photo. This is the main entrance of the university. I don't think you can see any examples in this picture, but the summer weather is bringing out the capri length pants - on the German men. It's a pretty popular style - there are whole sections of the mens departments in the clothing stores dedicated to clam diggers.

Sam models his new Universitaet Bielefeld t-shirt. The German phrase on the shirt translates as "think outside the box." That's a reference to the one-building university - everything inside one box.

Most of the time, Grace can be trusted with Isaac.

The kids and I went shopping this afternoon. They found ways to stay cool.

I was feeding Isaac on a bench across from an outdoor cafe and playing a game of I-Spy with the other kids, when a woman came over from her table at the cafe to say how nice it was to see all the kids so happy, and that they have a similar game in German ,which she played with her children: "Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst" (I see what you do not see). Travelling with the kids leads to the nicest interactions with the local folks.

On the way home, Sam "accidentally" stepped into a fountain in front of the University.

Katie managed to limit the dunking to just her hands.

Grace is consistently waving at people who make eye contact with her on the Stadtbahn these days. It's a cute, backwards wave, and it's definitely not random!

Getting ready for bed. Sam claims he doesn't like to read these days, but sure enough, once he heard Dave reading the Monster Bugs book to Katie, Sam joined in.

Isaac in his fourth outfit for the day. This fellow is a lethal combination of drool, spit-up (though less frequent these days), and diaper blowouts.

Today, Sam got a birthday card from Grandma Strei with some birthday money. He used the money to purchase a Lego prisoner paddy wagon. Thanks Grandma!
The hot weather there will prepare you for Texas in July!! Actually it didn't even make it to 90 today as it was cloudy. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon - Grace and Isaac seem to have changed a lot in the last 2 months.