It's not nearly as hot here as it is back home in Texas, but there's no air conditioning here. I'm not complaining, mind you. At least in Germany it still cools off once the sun goes down.
Katie showing off a birthday card she made for me.
This is St. Judokus, where Isaac and I went to church on Sunday morning. I think I mistakenly told the nun at communion that Isaac was from England. Fortunately, his American accent didn't give me away.
Some of the roses blossoming around the IBZ, where we are staying.

The hedges were trimmed last week, making the path in front of the IBZ look nice and sharp.
Sunday afternoon we all went out for ice cream at the Eis Cafe. On our way there, we stopped for a romp in the front garden of the IBZ. Here, Dave is giving Sam and Katie the rules for a race they are about to embark upon.
Isaac was stuck in the spectator's box.
Grace always has something interesting to say.
Coming down the homestretch.
The jubilatory body toss.
This one might not be so easy.
This afternoon, Monday, I took the kids out to the playground and market so Dave could work from our home office. The apartment is still pretty cool - we have enough windows that we can get some air flow. Here's Dave helping Katie with her uncooperative shoe on the front stoop of the IBZ.
Grace was going for the camera. (Check out the goop on the side of the stroller shade - this vehicle needs a major washing.)
Grace, queen of the basket swing.

Again, Ike is in the bleachers, watching the action.
Katie and Sam got into the game too.
These pictures are for Tina. Now, a smaller purple version of these fringey flowers has sprung up underneath the original big white ones.
Katie enjoying the view out the living room window.
The oldest and youngest Jorgensens having a chat in the arm chairs.
At the end of the day. Grace was frazzled, Isaac was in good spirits. A bath, a book, a bed, and all was well.

Those small purple flowers are astilbe. I have white and red ones in my garden. I would guess the large ones are from the same family of plant.
ReplyDeleteOoo, thanks for the update on the Astilbe patch. The gardener made a nice composition. On another topic, I grin when I hear the phrase, "Eis Cafe."