Monday, June 8, 2009

Sunday, round II

I didn't get out the camera today, so here are some more photos from our travels yesterday. Sam and I at the Berlin train station on our way to Wittenberg. The train we just departed from is on the right. On the outgoing journey, the trains were moderately full, but on the return home, at the end of the weekend, the trains were packed.

Here we are in front of the Rathaus (town hall) in Wittenberg.

Dave took this picture from the tower of the Schlosskirche (Castle Church). You can see me (and Isaac) with the Grace in the stroller down on the sidewalk. (Please pardon the sideways view.)

Another view from the tower.

Ditto. You can get a good idea of why it is called the Castle Church.
Here you can see some of the intricate tiling detail on the roof of the Schlosskirche.

More of the Schlosskirche.
The back side of the tower.
The playground we visited on the way back to the train station. You might have noticed from many of our outdoor pictures that graffiti is incredibly prevalent in Germany. Every time Katie sees some, she points to it and says, "That kid didn't get ice cream when he went home." (The ultimate punishment.)

The post office in Wittenberg. Postal carriers here ride bikes to deliver the mail. The bikes are outfitted with baskets on the side and front, all with the Deutsche Post logo.

Grace dancing with her seatmate.

Dave and most of the kids in the Berlin train station on the return journey. Sam was totally wiped out, and crashed in the stroller. The Berlin train station is HUGE. It is at least four different levels, with tracks criss-crossing through it all. The station itself is essentially a multilevel mall, with bustling stores to catch the money of travelers on changeovers. There were even full grocery stores in the station.

Katie on the playing tower in our train compartment.

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