I had a hard time posting cuts for today's photos, so today's journal is picture heavy. To balance it out, I'll keep my comments short.

Sam's 6th birthday is July 2 and my 38th is this Sunday. This morning, a delivery man brought a package from Grandma Becker (Dave's mom, Sharon.) We couldn't wait to open it, so we dug in.

Sam got some fun matchbox trucks and a summer outfit. Good thing too, because he's outgrowing and wearing holes in all the clothes we brought for him.

Sharon gave me a beautiful Vera Bradley bag. Boy will this come in handy! I love it!

The kids putting the new trucks through their paces.

Grace smiling so hard that her eyes shut.

Dave's new shirt. Isaac and I zipped back downtown this morning on the Stadtbahn to exchange the one we purchased last night. I'll say it again, this public transportation is amazing! It took me less than an hour to do the complete trip - including walking between our apartment and the tram stop (and buying some strawberries in quark for breakfast.) It would take me that long just to get to and from the mall in Arlington in my car, shopping not included.

The Lego Scientist at work.

Naptime - one down, one to go.

Isaac likes to blow bubbles.

He is getting some impressive pudge on his arms and legs.

Hard to beat taking a nap on Mom and Dad's bed in the warmth of a sunbeam.

The two-finger suck.

Katie focusing on the computer.

Two down.

Katie made the happy realization today that if she orders her ice cream in a bowl, then she gets a cookie with the ice cream
and she can keep her dress clean from the inevitable drips that escape a cone.

Sam created a flying motorcycle.

On the way to the strawberry shack.

Sam hangs out on the twirling bar while I head across the road with the other kids to get the strawberries. The parking lot where the strawberry stand sits is also the entrance to the Nordic walking trails in the Teutoburg Forest.

The strawberry girl gave all the kids lollilops. It was Grace's first experience with one. Didn't take her long to catch on.

One of the tunnels we walk through to get to the market and some of our favorite parks.

Katie took a break in the grass (in a somewhat unladylike pose.)

While walking to the playground, we passed by these kids having a yard sale. Sam purchased a motorcycle for 20 cents (Euro) and Katie bought an audio tape of Peter Pan (in German) for 1 Euro. I tried to talk the girl down, but it's hard to bargain effectively when you don't speak the same language. Can you believe they still sell music on tapes here in Germany? I see kids' music tapes at the market. Maybe they still sell LPs too.

When I was pushing Katie on this spinny thing, Isaac thought it was the funniest thing going. Each time Katie would come around, he'd let out a big guffaw. It's so great to see his personality coming out.

Katie figured out she didn't need me to get the swing going.

Today, Sam said, "Do you know how to say 'what' in German? Was." There are some benefits to the kids watching tv here. It's like German language immersion, only in a world created by Nickelodeon and Disney. I get a kick out of how the kids want it to be quiet while they are watching tv - even though they can't understand much of what they hear, they still want to hear it.

Grace was telling me something very important.

The Stadtbahn - Line 4 (Rathaus <-> Lohmannshof)

Dave meeting us on the way to the market.

Another go at the turntable.

Katie shining on the hammock.

Ready for bed. Another fantastic day.
Okay don't say no right away:
ReplyDeleteCan I have Grace? I mean not forever just like a year or two.