Today Isaac is four months old. He ate his first solid food this morning, although "ate" is kind of a generous description for what he did.

After breakfast, we walked Dave to work. Here's the label next to his office door. He shares the office with one other guy, a Humboldt fellow from China.

Where the magic happens.

Yes indeed, the dress was only off her body long enough to be washed and hung dry.

Here is the view from Dave's office. These three pictures were taken by Sam and Katie.

In answer to your question, Judy, the weather here has been beautiful. Most days, the highs have been in the low 70s. Today was an exception - the high was only 52, but that is unusual for this time of year. I am so glad we are missing out on a couple of months of Texas heat. Of course, returning in July will be a rude awakening.

All the windows at the university have external aluminum blinds that can be manipulated by a crank inside the room. The blinds are kind of unsightly.

These pictures are for my dad. An eternal struggle of his is keeping pocket gophers out of his hay fields. They make annoying piles of dirt that plug up the equipment. One of my jobs growing up was to walk all the hay fields and poison the gopher holes. This involved being able to look at a pile of dirt and tell which way the tunnel was directed under the ground, so that the poison pellets could be placed in the tunnel (without caving it in). I became an expert at it. Not sure if that expertise has led to much, but it did give me a pleasant excuse to wander the fields on beautiful summer days in Minnesota.

Besides gopher piles, there is much about this part of Germany that is similar to Minnesota - many trees and plants are the same, and there are lots of folks who say "ya."

Sam received a secret message in our mailbox from his friends Yuma and Jagoda. It was wrapped in a handfolded envelope - Yuma is a pro at origami. Dave and Sam tried to figure out what the message said, but couldn't decode it. It looked like it was written in Polish. It took the former cryptologist (me) to figure out that is was "Yuma", "Jagoda", and "Sam" written backwards. Sam is planning a suitable cryptic response.

2/3 of the Jorgensen girls. Today, walking back from the market, Katie (who always brings up the rear and who is always talking to herself as she does it) found a sink strainer and an acorn (though not at the same time). "It's my lucky day! And they're all mine," was her excited exclamation.

Dave working on Isaac's cradle cap.

All the Jorgensen girls. Katie and Grace miss their teachers and friends at Little Shepherd. Katie has drawn lots of pictures for Miss Veronica and every time she walks through a tunnel (which we do most days on the walking path to the market) she yells "Tinkerbell! Princess! Kaitlyn!" in honor of her friend. And I think Grace thinks I'm totally boring compared to her active class of Little Ducks. Her favorite part of the day is definitely when we are outside.
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