This evening around 6:45 (Dave had just gotten home and I was in the middle of hanging up laundry) Katie suddenly remembered that she had left her ring at the sandbox in the playground earlier in the day. (It was a large, oval plastic ring with a hot pink "stone.") She was devastated. (Truthfully, I am surprised she didn't lose it before now.) Since it rained all day after we left the park, there was hope the ring might still be there. So I threw on my raincoat and ran to the park. (It was a comical run, as I was wearing a pair of jeans that haven't yet been washed since we arrived, and thus are quite stretched out. As I ran, the jeans kept sliding down my hips - there was almost an international incident.) It was to no avail however. The ring was nowhere to be found. Katie got over it quickly.
On the laundry front, I ruined Katie's two pairs of white tights that we brought along. They are now a dingy gray. She has two pairs of pants too, but never opts to wear them. As she is constantly reminding me, "You can't be a princess if you wear pants. You can only wear dresses."

Still-life with lamp and saline bottle.
Hard to beat that smile!

Isaac almost looks like he has hair here!
Sam's ring of sight words on the breakfast table. Sam had just written a postcard to his class back at Butler. We weren't able to get the video phone call with his class to work. The school district has a tight firewall on their computers, and Skype didn't seem to fit into their security.
Dave getting ready to head out for a run. Notice our apartment has two levels - two of the bedrooms are down a hall that is two steps up from the main floor of the apartment.

Happy 70th birthday to my dad today! I just had a bowl of ice cream in your honor, Dad!
Thanks for sharing the pictures.!! It seems that Sam is much busy in playing games on Lego website.