Some valuable discoveries made this day: 1) When it is necessary, we can communicate in German. Our kitchen sink was plugged up and we needed to have the
Hausmeister come repair it. I wrote a note (in German) and left it in Herr Rublack's mailbox (which he apparently understood), and Dave talked to him in person when he came to fix it. (Herr Rublack speaks no English.)

2) Nobody uses a clothes dryer here, even though there is one in the laundry room. Everyone hangs out their wash to dry. 

3) Even though it seems counterintuitive for a culture that a ppears pretty reserved, all the German couples who we see out for a stroll are holding hands, young and old.

4) Isaac and Grace both wear the same size in German diapers. (Size 4 Fixies) Their diaper wipes are called Babysmile. Ha!

Sounds like a perfect Sunday. Funny you mention diapers. For some reason, when I first heard you all were there, that was the first thing I thought about....as if Germans would have sub-standard diapers. I wondered if they were as good as the Pampers we have here. I guess that shows where my priorities aren these days.