Friday of fall break was low-key. We spent the morning at the library, then got some ice cream downtown, made a stop at the toy store, watched some movies we checked out, and burned off energy at the neighborhood park.
The ice cream crew |
This statue is in front of the Trondheim Tourist Information Office. It is called Go'dagen - the good day. It always makes me smile. |
Speaking of smiles, that's a doozy on Grace |
There are lots of buildings in Trondheim that have staircases in the front that you can enter from either side. When we are walking around, the kids like to go up one side and down the other. Grace and Isaac got a rude awakening on this set of stairs in the Bakklandet neighborhood - only one sided. |
low-key? that sounds like a lot of activity. nicely captured. your walks seem so senic and calm; just plain exquisite.