Sunday, September 27, 2009

September Potpurri

Some favorite photos from the past month.

This summer, Sam earned Lego kits by reading books. Here, Sam shows off the last book he read toward earning the Lego camper kit.
The final product.
It even opens up!
Katie models her birthday dress from Grandma Becker.
Sitting with Grandma.
Popcorn snack time.
Grace on the treadmill at physical therapy. (Katie's on the one next to her.)
Her therapist, Stephanie, was working on getting Grace's reciprocal movement in gear.
Grace taking good care of Katie's doll.

After the first week of school, Dave and I took Sam and Katie to Medieval Times.
Katie was impressed with the princess. Once Sam was reassured that there was no dragon in the building, he really enjoyed the show.
Katie chowing down at the old kitchen table. I bought the table during graduate school for $10. It was advertised in the classifieds of the Lincoln paper. I used the table as my desk in grad school.
Dave, Katie, and Grace assembling our new kitchen table, purchased at Ikea on Labor Day weekend.

Katie snoozing in the hallway.

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