Thursday, September 10, 2009

Happy kiddos

Here are some pictures of Isaac and Grace taken by Cathy, who is the wonderful lady in charge of the preschool they attend, along with Katie. Isaac started "school" three weeks ago, at the beginning of the semester. Other than the fact that he refuses to take a bottle, he's doing great. He's in a class with three young ladies, ages 7 months to 1 year old. But soon there will be another boy added to the mix.I am not technologically savvy enough to figure out how to get the above picture to show in all its glory, but even with the band of gray, that smile is delightful.
Grace is now in the toddler room, along with three other kids. She takes her nap on the floor like the big kids. And she gets to take part in big kid activities. Here she is today, exploring in the shaving cream.
In the past two weeks, Grace has started commando crawling and can now move from laying down to sitting up all by herself! Next goal - cruising.
This is Grace's smile for the camera! You'd think she was eating a lemon, but this is what she does when Cathy asks her to smile. You should see the fun face she makes when she's eating yogurt!

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