Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Almost time to pack

Well, only a few days left in Bielefeld. Today is rainy, so the kids are playing with their friends inside. Hopefully the next few days will be good weather, so we can go out and enjoy our favorite places one last time before we leave Germany. Making up for the lack of Isaac pictures in the last journal entry. These plants are starting to pop up around town. These are outside the door of the IBZ. I call them sweetpeas, but I'm not sure if that's right. We used to have them growing next to the house where I grew up in Minnesota, along the driveway side. They would grow right up out of the gravel. Waiting for me to open the door to the IBZ. The orange building in the background is one of the university kindergartens.

On Monday, Katie and I both had our first experience with chewing gum removal. Katie got a big wad of peppermint gum stuck right on the top of her head. (Sam had something to do with it.) Turns out the old peanut butter trick I had heard about really works. Thank goodness.Yesterday afternoon, Grace and Isaac had a nice chat at snack time.Meanwhile, Sam and Katie were knocked out. They stayed up too late the night before watching "Bedknobs and Broomsticks." The German voice that was dubbed in for Angela Landsbury actually sounded a lot like her.Grace caught up on the news, while waiting for Sam and Katie to wake up from their naps.
One of the hedge-lined walkways on the way to the market. Hanging out before bedtime.
The strawberry shack now has blueberries! Nature's perfect snack. The kids gobble these up like candy.


  1. I believe those are Hollyhocks. They look just like the ones I planted (mine are yellow) on the south-east corner of my house. In fact, they're expanding so much I had to move some, so, because they grow nice and tall, I transplanted a few along my neighbor's chain link fence... (shhhh!)

  2. OH gum in the hair, that happened to me at least 30 times when i was a kid. but instead of using something to clean it my mother just decided to chop all my hair off...EVERY SINGLE TIME.

    I love your captions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel soo sorry for kids when they get back; it is extremely hot. They will not enjoy the playgrounds as they did in Germany. :(
