Spent the afternoon at a local farm that sells pumpkins and Christmas trees (in October and December respectively). The kids had a great time playing on the round bales in the hay barn.

Katie displays some nontraditional farming attire.

Grace and Isaac had a jolly time in the loose hay. I swear I didn't purposefully dress Isaac in the pumpkin getup. He wore it for pajamas last night, and as is embarrassingly often the case, they ended up being his clothes for the day.

Here, Grace was moving in for a big hug.

Sam and Katie on the hay ride.

The hayride was fun, but my view was best - Isaac in the Snugli and Grace on my lap.

The whole crew (minus Dave, who was at a math conference). Isaac was getting cranky here. He desperately needed a nap, but his expression looks like he was probably begrudging the decorative green leaves on his outfit.

We stopped to play at the three story tree house and the sand box. Once we got back to the hay barn, Isaac and Grace were down for the count.

Sam catches some air.

After we got home, Grace showed off her skills at stacking rings. Big news - Grace is crawling now!

Last week, Sam and Katie had an overpowering urge to roast marshmallows. Without firing up the charcoal grill or the fireplace, Dave found a way to make it happen.

These two just watched the roasting, but didn't partake.

Dave shows Katie the finer points of roasting technique.
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