A wrap-up of the day's events.

It was an exhausting afternoon for Ike.

Grace had a blast playing with her activity box, while Sam acted as a live Sam-in-the-box every time Grace got one of the doors to open. If only you could hear the giggles.

This morning when we got back from Grace's surgery, the garage door opener went kaput. Here are our wonderful neighbors, Cameron and his dad Gregg, having at a go at diagnosing the problem this evening. We are so fortunate to have such helpful, generous neighbors.

Turns out the sprocket is all bent up, so the chain keeps jumping off. Looks like it'll be a couple of weeks of opening the garage door the old-fashioned way. Something for you to look forward to fixing when you get home, Dave! :)

Grace and Isaac watching the garage door action from the driveway. We had just returned home from a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. (I can't subdue the cringe as I write that, similar to the feeling I get when writing Toys R Us.) The three oldest kids had a great time riding a virtual roller coaster that had a wide bench seat so they could all sit together. Isaac enjoyed the people-watching.

Sam took this picture of me to document my shorter hair. After suffering from a horrendous haircut during our months in Germany, upon our return I had it all chopped off. Helmet-hair be gone!
Tomorrow afternoon, Grandma Strei arrives from Minnesota to visit and help out. Meanwhile, I work while all the kiddies are sleeping. Back to it.
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