Saturday, January 7, 2012

New Year's Eve

Trondheim celebrates the new year with fireworks - all over the city.  It was a fun sight to see.  At 7pm, there was a firework show at the festning for the children.  We walked out to the corner playground and watched the show with neighbors. 

Grace and Katie take in the display
Dave wanted to record it on the flip camera, only to realize that Sam and Adrian had eaten all the memory on the camera with videos they made of their Lego creations.
Walking back home, following some neighbors with torches
At midnight, there was a huge fireworks show from the festning for the grownups.  The fireworks are made by the firework club at the university, and they were spectacular.  What a way to bring in the new year - Dave and I were out in the backyard in the crisp winter air, just counting our blessings.
Grace and Isaac spent the morning reading books together.  In preparation for our return, I washed the cover to the couch, so all week we had a sheet over the now clean couch to protect it from any unfortunate spills.
We tried another sleepover with Adrian the next night.  Same story.  The boys had great fun, but then Adrian couldn't get to sleep.  Another early morning pick up from his mom.  Sorry, Tania! 
Adrian brought over his gingerbread house and the kids all got to share in its destruction. 
We had a great meal at the home of our friends Mike and Pam.  They just moved into a new house with an awesome view of the fjord.
Our hostess does her magic with spring rolls
The kids were completely entertained by some dancing game on the xbox.  The adults were pretty entertained watching them.
 Note Katie's creative use of the elliptical trainer as a chair
We played two rounds of Blokus.  Dave sacrificed his strategy to let Isaac make some moves.
Our two families (picture taken by Adrian).  We will really miss these guys.  They keep planting sneaky ideas in our heads about doing what they did - come to Trondheim for a year, and then decide it is so great that we move there for good.  We shall see, we shall see...
Our daily cod liver oil.  The kids would line up eagerly to get theirs.  It tasted like oranges (the bottle on the left.)  The grownups took the stuff on the right.  It really tasted like fish oil.  Shudder.  I found it funny that in a place where people really need more vitamin D because of the lack of sun in winter, the milk is not fortified with it.  Ergo the fish oil.
Grace and Katie's classmates Luna and August came over for an afternoon playdate on Thursday.  I was making a big effort to clear out the food in the kitchen in anticipation of our departure, so our lunch consisted of ramen noodles and jello.  There were no complaints. 
Katie and August did some beadwork - which was an incredible accomplishment given that Grace and Isaac wanted to be in their business all the time.  Here is August's alligator. 
Adrian came over for a sleepover with Sam.  They had a Legofest.  Adrian ended up going home at 3am because he couldn't get to sleep.  Insomniac at age 8 - poor guy.