The weather was beautiful on Halloween. We spent the afternoon outside launching rockets at a soccer field down the street.

Here are Sam and Katie prepped for trick-or-treating. We went to trunk-or-treat at church the night before, so on Halloween evening we just visited a few houses in our neighborhood. Katie went as Tinkerbell and Sam was a Lego Agent.

Isaac playing in the grass pre-launch.

Dave launching the Viking on its maiden voyage. Sam chose the fin configuration on this rocket.

S and K.

Isaac and Grace sharing a water bottle.

This is the last time we saw the Guardian rocket in one piece. On this flight, it drifted too far southeast and landed in the woods. We searched for it for a long time, but didn't find it. Dave eventually found it a few days later in the creek. The body of the rocket is cardboard, so it didn't hold up well.

Pausing to pose for a picture while we looked for the Guardian in the woods.

Grace never says anything without verve. She has started using some sign language. Even better, she is saying some of the words while she signs them. She's cruising on the furniture and getting into Sam and Katie's stuff that they leave on the table. Walking can't be far behind.

This smiley guy is starting to be mobile too. He covers ground, but his motion is not well-defined. He seems to motor with a combination of leaning, scooting, and partial crawling.